Christmas Time: Why This is a Great Time for Counselling

As winter approaches, the festive Christmas season begins appearing in all the stores, signifying the time is drawing near for the holiday music, the decorations and lights, the gifts, and spending time with family and friends. Christmas brings many fond, nostalgic, and meaningful memories to many people around the world, no matter your age. However, Christmas can also bring up many sad and upsetting memories, triggering depression, anxiety, loneliness, and other strong emotions that may make this time of year especially hard for some. This is precisely why seeking counselling during the winter months is essential to maintaining our mental health and resolving any struggles that may have been pushed down over the years.

Christmas is a beautiful time of the year since it reminds us to have faith, hope, and show love to our fellow man. It is also a time of reflection and looking back over the past year, recalling the good things that have come into our lives, while also contemplating the down times that may need to be worked through or things we would like to improve on in our self, leading to self-growth. Counselling may help with facilitating deep reflection and exploration, leading to self-growth. Many beautiful memories may come up during the Christmas season, such as hearing a favourite Christmas song and being transported back to a nice time in your childhood. These moments can be cherished and appreciated in the moment, making the Christmas season that much more joyous.

Counselling: Helping to Manage the Stress, Burnout, and Conflict During the Holiday Season

During Christmas, many people may find that this particular season brings up negative emotions and interactions, leading to increased stress, burnout, and conflict. At times, individuals may feel overwhelmed, facing financial stress, managing conflict within the family, and participating in Christmas traditions that may provoke anxiety, such as putting Christmas lights on the house. It is crucial to remember never to neglect your mental health and to continue with counselling to work through some of these psychological strains. Often, we may fall victim to pushing these negative feelings down and deal with them after Christmas; however, this may lead to an increased risk of developing moderate depression or anxiety. Dedicating time to pursuing counselling will help us to manage our negative emotions, thoughts, and behaviours as they come, giving us the resilience and strength to overcome them and enjoy the Christmas season to its fullest. Counselling may also help to bring up the positive and happy memories from past Christmas’ and how you saw it through a childhood lens, thus recapturing the joy and happiness of the season. Counselling may also help to work through traumatic or disheartening events that occurred in the past, which may be triggered around Christmas time. Lastly, Christmas time may provoke feelings of loneliness, making counselling an excellent option since it may help to resolve the feelings of emptiness, loneliness, and isolation and help to provide a new lens of what Christmas may look like in your new circumstance.

Counselling at Straight Path Counselling

At Straight Path Counselling we are here and ready to serve you and your family, helping you work through any struggle you are facing in life. Our mission is to give you the autonomy to become vulnerable and share your innermost thoughts and emotions in a safe and confidential space. Our Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) is available during this Christmas season and is available in person in Abbotsford and online for virtual sessions

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Erica Fussi, M.A, B.A, RCC

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